Submit a proposal

The Law Society is accepting proposals from interested individuals, businesses and organizations.

Individuals, business and organizations with an interest in providing legal services that assist those with unmet legal needs are encouraged to complete the application form.

In your proposal, you will be asked to tell us:

  • the services that you are proposing to pilot;
  • who you expect to be your clients;
  • how your services will increase access to justice;
  • who will be part of the pilot and their relevant credentials, education and training; and
  • what risks to the public, if any, are associated with the services or business model your propose to offer.

Submit a proposal

All proposals will be accepted for consideration and qualifying proposals will be reviewed by the Innovation Sandbox Advisory Committee, which will make recommendations to the Executive Committee. If accepted into the sandbox, successful applicants will be given the opportunity to demonstrate that their proposal effectively meets the needs of BC citizens in the areas of legal advice and assistance covered in the proposal. Individuals, businesses and organizations that do not effectively deliver on their proposals may be removed from the innovation sandbox.

If you have further questions, please email us at

Innovation Sandbox Advisory Group

Michael Welsh, KC (Chair)
Dr. Cristie Ford
Dr, Jan Lindsay
Michele Ross
Caroline Nevin