July 17, 2019

To address issues with the conduct of general meetings, the Benchers approved amendments to the Law Society Rules to permit online voting in advance of general meetings and to streamline the procedure at general meetings.

To implement online voting, members will be able submit resolutions for a 30-day period in advance of the annual general meeting, which will be published on the Law Society website when received.

Following the 30-day period there will be a 15-day period during which members may propose amendments to the resolutions received during the 30-day period. 

At any time during the initial 30-day period or the subsequent 15-day period, a resolution may amend or withdrawn only by the member who submitted it. No new resolutions may be proposed during the 15-day subsequent period. Following the 15-day subsequent period, no further amendments to resolutions will be permitted, including at the meeting. 

Online voting will commence after the completion of the 15-day subsequent period. Members who vote in advance will be considered part of the quorum for the meeting and may only vote once, either online or in person.  

Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised are incompatible with the amended procedure and no longer apply to Law Society AGMs.