Lawyer Directory

The Lawyer Directory is a searchable tool that you can use to help you find the names, contact information and current practice status of lawyers licensed in BC.

For the best results, type the lawyer's last name only, in full or in part.

Search results will also include if the lawyer has a discipline history or restriction from practising in an area of law, as well as any current regulatory proceedings.

Additional information may be found on the LSBC Tribunal website: see Hearing Schedule and Hearing Files and Decisions. You can also search our list of unauthorized practitioners in our Unauthorized Practitioners database.

As the regulators of lawyers, the Law Society cannot provide referrals. If you are looking to find a lawyer for the purposes of obtaining legal advice, visit Finding a lawyer.

Last name (required):
First name or first initial (optional):
City (optional):

The Law Society endeavours to keep its Lawyer Directory as up-to-date as possible. However, the information contained may not be the most current information available.

The Lawyer Directory pulls information from the Law Society databases regularly. A lawyer's status can change at any time. Contact Registration and Licensee Services to ensure you have complete, up-to-date information.

For detailed information about this directory, read About the Lawyer Directory.

This service is provided to permit you to search for individual lawyers you may wish to contact on a professional basis or to verify their status. The information is not to be used for any commercial, marketing or fundraising purposes.

* Any discipline history prior to November 1983 will not appear in the search results. If you are interested in the discipline history of a lawyer prior to November 1983, please contact the Law Society. Not all discipline history with respect to a particular lawyer will necessarily appear in the search results.