Online Complaint Form

Step 1 - Complaint Details
Step 2 - Upload Documents
Step 3 - Submit your Complaint
Step 4 - Print Summary

Step 1 of 4:  Complaint Details

Before completing the Complaint Form, please make sure you read the "Complaint Form Information Sheet". If complaining about more than one lawyer, a separate form is required for each one.

Completing the form is a three step process. You will be able to edit all the complaint information before you submit your complaint. Once you have submitted your complaint, you will not be able to edit the complaint. You will have the opportunity to print and to download a PDF of the complaint summary after submitting your complaint.

The Indigenous Navigator works closely with Law Society departments to ensure that complaints, investigations and hearing processes are culturally safe for Indigenous people. Part of this role is to provide support and guidance for Indigenous complainants. First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people can self-identify as Indigenous and receive assistance from the Indigenous Navigator. Please email the Indigenous Navigator at for assistance or inquiries.

* Required fields

1. INFORMATION - About you

2. INFORMATION - About the lawyer you are complaining about

Enter the lawyer's last name by using the search above, results will appear in the space below.

Click here if you can't find the lawyer you are complaining about.

If your complaint is about a lawyer acting for someone else, please answer the following:

Enter the lawyer's last name by using the search above, results will appear in the space below.

We may, at our discretion, contact anyone who may have relevant information including any lawyer involved in this matter.

3. Your Complaint

Details of your complaint *

Be factual. Give a brief description of what has taken place and on what dates. If you like, use point form.

You will have the option to upload relevant documents when you proceed to the next step of this form.

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Enter the characters you see in this graphic image into the text box below.