Updates and timeline: Single legal regulator legislation

Below is a summary and timeline of public statements and responses in relation to the single legal regulator legislation from the Law Society and government to date.

July 2024:

June 2024

  • Executive Director Don Avison, KC issued a statement on the Law Society's position on Bill 21 and the current status of litigation.
  • Justice Gropper presided over a three-day hearing concerning the injunction application during which the Law Society presented evidence of irreparable harm to the public interest should the Legal Professions Act be brought into force. Both the Trial Lawyers Association of BC and the Law Foundation of BC also presented arguments in support of the injunction. The Province presented arguments against the granting of injunctive relief. The hearing concluded with Justice Gropper reserving judgement. For details, read our statement.

May 2024

April 2024

  • The BC government tabled Bill 21 – the Legal Professions Act.
  • The Law Society issued its response, which opposed the legislation as it fails to protect the public’s interest in having access to independent legal professions governed by an independent regulator.
  • The Law Society sent a letter to the Attorney General urging the government to halt Bill 21 to allow for wider consultation with the public, the legal professions and Indigenous peoples of BC.
  • The Federation of Law Societies of Canada issued a statement in response to Bill 21 expressing serious concerns about the future of independent lawyer regulation in BC.

March 2024:

  • The Ministry of Attorney General released a public update on the proposed legislation.
  • The Law Society responded to the public update encouraging more consultation.
  • The Canadian Bar Association BC Branch has set engagement sessions in March and April for the profession to share their thoughts on the proposed regulatory reform. Registration is open.

October 2023:

June 2023:

  • The Attorney General declined the Law Society’s request to bring the amendments into force, noting that the single legal regulator legislation to be tabled in the fall would allow for the licensing of paralegals, notaries and lawyers under one entity.

March 2023:

  • The Law Society asked the BC government to bring amendments to the current Legal Profession Act into force to allow for the licensing of paralegals.

November 2022:

March 2022:

  • The BC government announced its intention to combine regulation of the legal profession under one regulator.
  • Read the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Intentions Paper
  • Public consultation was open between September to November 2022 and the findings were published in the government’s What We Heard report.

This page will be updated as new developments occur.

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