PLTC Course Materials

Students receive course materials on the first day of the Professional Legal Training Course (PLTC) including the Student Handbook, the Practice Material and the Activity Plans binder. Students will also need their Member's Manual.  

Student handbook

The student handbook contains information about the course and the student calendar.

Practice material

The Practice Material contains most of the readings that PLTC students will need to prepare for classes, assignments, assessments, and the two qualification examinations. The Practice Material summarizes practice and procedure in core areas of practice in BC, and is organized by subject into three binders:

  1. Business (Commercial and Company), Real Estate, Wills
  2. Civil, Criminal Procedure, Family
  3. Professionalism (Ethics and Practice Management), Introduction to Indigenous Law

All PLTC students will be provided with a print copy of the Practice Material on the first day of PLTC. To access an online version of the Practice Material, and to order a print copy if you are not enrolled in PLTC, see PLTC Practice Material.

Modern writing for lawyers

The Law Society provides Modern Writing for Lawyers to PLTC students as an additional resource for guidance on writing and drafting.

Member’s Manual

A student commencing articles with PLTC will also receive the Law Society Member's Manual, which contains the Legal Profession Act, the Law Society Rules and the Code of Professional Conduct for BC. The current version of the Member’s Manual is available at Member's Manual